Monday, March 26, 2007


Summer vacation has finally come. has nothing but pure torture with a capital 'T'. Its been a crazy school year and I think my grades would be as crazy. But right now I wouldn't wanna think about that.

Some of my friends graduated yesterday. Man, do I envy them. To think of it though...a lot more complicated problems they'd be facing. Fresh grad in other words mean unemployed. So bumming for a while just to cherish that little time of freedom is what separates them from the watchful eyes of the society...or might even be life's own. Goodluck guys.

Congratulations to my sis Jehanie Edenisa Tamano-Mustari!:) She just graduated yesterday too. I am so proud of her. She has always been one of my heroes. Why? There are a lot of reasons...but here's my favorite one...Its because of the way she treats me as if I was still that little boy. God I miss being a kid.

Been watching a lot of movies lately. I highly recommend RENT. Its another one of those bohemian musicals. Just watch it and you'll know why its good. Oh and don't believe people who say that 300 is a great movie. Sorry to tell you guys, but it totally sucks. Yeah cool graphics, but the story's just L-A-M-E!!!

Here's another thing I've learned. The word goodbye is such a killer. I've seen family, friends and lovers suffer from it. Its always better saying it to someone than being the one bid adieu to.

Here's a line that I totally love...Reality is different from actuality. So true.

Music...for those who loves house music/techno/rave, another recommendation from me are the songs Put Your Hands Up for Detroit and This Is Not Miami. Talk about club music. Just can't get enough of it.

As for my little fame, its finally dying out. After 2 weeks of being on tv, I am out of the limelight. And all that remains is the t-shirt freebie I got. Yesterday was the last show which had the segment of the whole thingy. So I guess, that's about it for my career in television. LOL:) AS IF.

How am I feeling today: I am tired, suffering from a hang-over, hungry...yet, still happy. Not fulfilled but satisfied. :)

Till then...gotta go, cheerio. Be cool.


AphroditeShari said...

Yaaay for vacations and no more xams! :D
Congrats to ur sis :)

*sigh* yes.. saying goodbye is such a hard word... but i dont think being on any side makes it any easier..

.. reality hurts..

so.. guess ur gona have more time to watch tv and such fun things :P
*pinch* thats for getting yet ANOTHER hangover.. *shakesfist* Grrr! lool

its nice to not be soo famous.. well i think so anyway :) glad that ur back to being normal like the rest of us :P

hope u enjoy ur vacation and make the most of it :)

Baby Rockstar said...

A few moments of silence for your 15 Minutes Of Fame...


I'm sure it was worth it.

Hey, cool cool cool template. Can I have the same one, too? =) How?

DeVille said...

yay indeed...

it is harder being left explanation needed!:>

reality hurts, that's how i like it...u?

I LOVE TV! so definitely YES more tv time...but there's summer...

hey i am still normal even if i had that week-of-fame!:D

baby rockstar:

everything is worth everything...except i am not sure if i should include it in my waal of shame!:D

yes u can have the same template...except i wont be telling you how coz i dont remember myself!:O

AphroditeShari said...

walls of shames are the best XD it shows ur character and shows what a person has learned from.. showing what u have acomplished or what u have doesnt always say who u are... but when u show all the u have overcome.. and all the shames are revealed.. a person comes to appreciate the character more... Am i babbling too much!? lol.. I'm in a talkative mood XD

Go see my blog!! *shakes fist* XD

DeVille said...

okay okay MONICA!:)LOL... no punching!:D

AphroditeShari said...

I'm not Monica :P I'm Rachel (a)

DeVille said...

ooh, by the way you handled the exhibit...definitely monica.:>