Sunday, November 05, 2006


Routine is what kills us, don't you think? Try to see yourself doing the same things over and over...and over and over again. Tsk tsk. Such a profane way to live life. I am not really sure if I said that correctly.
As you all know, I love movies that make sense. Well, sometimes even the ones that don't. But here's one that uniquely makes sense. Romantic in a way, and even tragic. I salute the makers of this wonderful film. "Before Sunrise". The only film I know that is of its kind. And amazingly the ONLY film I know that has so many lines that makes sense. Oh, how I envy the adventurous way of living of the two characters in it. Meeting in a train and decides to get-off together IN Venice where they got to know each other more and fell in love as their only night which was never supposed to be unfolded right at the moment. The next morning, bade farewell to each other promising a meeting after six months in the same station probably hoping that one wouldn't let go, leaving us with the question, "would one do?" Here are some excerpts that I love most...

Julia Delpy as Celine: "If your parents never really, fully contradict you about anything and are basically nice and supportive, it makes it even harder to officially complain even when they are wrong. It's this passive-aggressive shit. It's a process to rebel against everything that came before."

How true. I mean c'mon, don't you just feel good complaining about stuff? Being a radical is really what youth stands for. Why? Because we always want to try what we haven't gone thru which those who came before know exactly what'd happen. Without resistance there wouldn't be no balance. Do I make sense?

Ethan Hawke as Jesse: "People have this romantic projection on everything. It's not based on any kind of reality."

It is how life is lived. Don't ask questions. Live it. That's the only way to know the real answer. Sooner or later you'd find out that the question really is the answer. What a disappointment it'd turn out after all. Its like an adolescent's fantasy when done watching porn. When the time come its there, it turns out to be such a nightmare. So sometimes its best its kept as a fantasy.

Julia Delpy as Celine: "Why does everybody think conflict is bad? There's a lot of good things that coming out of bad."

Indeed. Enough said.

Ethan Hawke as Jesse: "I always think that if I can accept the fact that my life was supposed to be difficult, that's what's to be expected, then I might not be so pissed-off about it and I'd just be glad when something nice happens."

Don't everybody get that notion? Denial makes it harder for us to go through with our time. Here's an instance wherein I feel depressed...when I don't have money. And when I do get, I feel more depressed that it just ain't enough. Appreciation is lost because of denial.

Ethan Hawke as Jesse: "I kind of see love as this escape for two people who don't know how to be alone. People always about how love is this totally unselfish giving thing. But if you think about it, there's nothing more selfish."

Its finally someone said it! Actually its been said on the summer of '94 as that was the time the movie was made. Anyways love is CRUEL! It is. I like being alone. Nothing wrong with it. You just happen to miss out on the biological need for an opposite sex to exist.

Ethan Hawke as Jesse: "I think I'd rather die knowing that I was really good at something. That I had excelled in some way."

So do I, brother. So do I.

I actually have the sequel to the movie, "Before Sunset", which was made 9 years after the first one. I watched it already but now I want to focus on its lines. I can't wait to get home actually. So till then.


Baby Rockstar said...

You gotta watch Reality Bites. Ethan Hawke does best in "talk" movies.

I quote from that film:
"Hello, you have reached the winter of our discontent. At the beep, please leave your name, number, and a brief justification of the ontological necessity of modern man's existential dilemma, and I'll get back to you."
- their answering machine message.

Some deep shit they have. You'll love it. It's Jehanifah and my favorite movie of all time.

Baby Rockstar said...

If you think that way, then you missed the point.

I actually liked Ben Stiller in that movie. I hate all his films except for Dodgeball. LOL.