Friday, November 03, 2006

Brotherly Advices

Having a hard time to decide?
Life doesn't have crossroads. Its more like driving at fullspeed and suddenly you step on the brakes but by the time it is put on halt, you already have missed the only road to the right. Then you start to think. Should I turn back or should I go on. Either way leads to regrets. There always is the "I should've" or "I shouldn't have". What someone must do is make a decision fast. The longer you ponder, the harder to accept the results of which you've chosen. That's how life is and its choices are... and I'm afraid you don't have a choice.

Someone bothers you?
People always have something smart to say. That's why they have mouths. Let it in through your ears. That's way far from your heart. No need to let it sink there. That's another way to share a life with people and their alecky tongues.

Hindrances blocking you?
Walls are built. They don't stand in front of you by themselves. You've been cornered because you traced the path towards it. People build them. Probably you can go over it too...or more likely tear it down.


AphroditeShari said...

i liked the first piece of advice... funny how we run into random things thru our life that influences us.. :)

DeVille said...

well i am more than happy to be of help...:>

AphroditeShari said...

altho i live my life with no regrets... I'm not saying i've never made a mistake and there isnt anything that i thot... (why didnt i do.. or say.. ) i truly believe everything happens for a reason.. and that I am who i am today.. becoz of all I've been thru... and i will continue to grow as a person becoz of my many faults, pains, mistakes and shortcomings.. hence the NO REGRET part. it takes alot of effort to keep regretting somthin..
my fav part of ur words is.. 'The longer you ponder, the harder to accept the results of which you've chosen'

DeVille said...

heads up to ya gurl!:> keep it up.
i said that fave line of urs because of the experience. i mean the longer i decide on somethin the more i expect for good results...which by far i must say aint so healthy!:>hehehe

AphroditeShari said...

my mind and heart usually conflict.. each one wants something.. I've always let my heart decide and just let myself follow that inner voice and intuition ( god i love being a woman :P ) its only the times when i try to follow logic and be realistic(the taurus in me) that i start to over think things.. and end up freakin out and havin too much on my mind..
and i agree with you.. it isnt healthy AT ALL!!