Saturday, June 09, 2007

11:11 - Not As Weird As It Seems

"The numbers are the most attractive combination there is. You might think that it's the number you always see because of its uniformity and so it is hard to forget when it catches your eye, when actually, it doesn't differ with the number combination 8:30 but still a person would not think of anything peculiar about it."

This was the explanation I got from my Philo professor. I had to ask after having weird experiences in the number combination sightings myself. Very weird but then, not anymore.

"Here's how it happened to you. After your friend mentioned it, your mind sub-consciously became aware of the number thus leaving you feeling all weird in a sense of de ja vu-like manner. If you put your mind into something, what you choose to see is most likely what you'll see. As for your friend, it may be the uniformity of the number that attracted her eye."

This one's from my Psych professor. Case closed.


Fa said...


stupid (#%^$*#!!! i just posted a LONG ASS reply and then it wudnt go thru and it all got deleted!! ARGH!!


anyway.. in a summary.. i said to tell ur prof to BITE ME! coz he doesnt know what he's talking about :P

and another thing... why of ALL the ppl i have told about the numbers... that YOU happened to see them too?? why hasnt anyone else seen them>???
MAYBE by me telling u it has opened a gate to seeing the numbers?? :P

DeVille said...

*grabs sharifa by the shoulders and shakes her violently*
WAKE UP!!! c'mon i thought it was strange too but then there was a concrete explanation after all!:D *sigh* as fun as it would have been that there were mystic reasons for the experience, there was none. anyways i didnt want to say a thing about it till i was able to find answers so there...:D

Fa said...

OH PUHLEAAASE!! *grabs adnan by the shoulders and tackles him to the ground*

YOU WAKE UP!! your psych prof is just jealous coz he's never xperienced such a thing!

why havent i seen these numbers at ANY OTHER time of my life?? why did it happen to be during the 2 yrs of my life where i have changed the MOST??

and why have i started to see LESS and LESS of the numbers?? cud it be MAYB bcoz the changes that i were undergoing are finished?? and that i have done what i was supposed to do??

NOBODY else started to see the numbers.. why have u?? ur prof's xplanation has too many holes..

*pouts* I'm gona stick to believing what i want... coz thats just how it is... some things are beyond our understanding becoz ppl refuse to believe in such mystic things.. if u cant believe in something how are we ever gona understand it? huh?

DeVille said...

*taps ground...desperatelty tries to catch breath*
oh cmon just be convinced!:DLOL i gotta convince you to convince myself!:D

Fa said...

*crosses arms and watches adnan catch his breath*

your not gona convince me ...

Baby Rockstar said...

Ok Taurus dorks, break it up.
*pulls Sharifa & Deville apart*

I'll have you know that ever since we started university, my best pal Marj and I have followed this tradition:

Everytime the clock strikes 11:11, we raise both our feet a couple inches off the ground and make a wish. If we were sitting, we hold on to the seat and raise our feet quickly for half a second. If we were standing, we jump.

Yes, we're both Virgos.

Yes, we're retards.

But it was mainly because the first time we did that, when we first established that tradition, our wish came true.

To this day, we message each other at 11:11 every now and then, to remind ourselves of the grand tradition we started.

But it doesn't mean anything.

It's a little like when you get a new car, you look around, and you notice that, *gasp* everyone has one exactly like yours! Which, of course, isn't the case. You're just being more attentive to cars now, because it directly affects you.

In some cultures, they call it superstition.

In others, like Deville's professor's, they call it coincidence.

*runs and hides*

DeVille said...

*sigh*...well atleast virgos are retards...:D

AphroditeShari said...

yes indeed virgos are retards.. :P

*goes to sit down and sip her cup of tea*

I'm still not changing my opinion on this :P so bite me!