Wednesday, November 18, 2009


What's an epiphany? Even in its definition in dictionaries...I don't get it. One thing I know though, it's the most common word used in every blogs. They would talk about epiphany. But no matter how they explain, I still don't get it. How do they know that THAT's epiphany?

What's an epiphany? Is it the moment when a montage of your life plays in your head which is triggered by the stupidest thing you've encountered that day?

What's an epiphany? Is it the moment when you're so convinced that you're doing the right thing and right after doing so, you realize you've done a huge mistake?

What's an epiphany? Is it the moment before sleeping that you wish you'd never wake up for the next day and when the next evening comes you are afraid to sleep because of that wish?

What's an epiphany? Is it the moment in your life when you see everything as if seeing things on a high definition television?

What's an epiphany? Is it the moment when you stand in front of the mirror and you just decide you are not who you were anymore?

What's an epiphany? Is it the moment when you've just decided to give up because you've realized you've never really tried in the first place?

What's an epiphany?

Is this it?


A said...

is it when you have pulled small beads together into a whole string? is it when you have a sudden understanding of something that has long been lurking at the back of your mind?

is that it?

questions pa rin eh 'no? hehe

DeVille said...

this question is answerable with a question...i think.:D