Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Feverish Thoughts

Its getting harder to breathe.

An itch inside my throat is driving me insane.

What's worse is, I'm having trouble smoking. Pain in my head never seems to subside.

I just hate it when I am on one side and that side of my nose gets clogged. I just wanna get a shovel and dig out whatever is in that hole.

I can't pronounce the letter 'N'. I talk dumb.

I look awful.

I cough, hack, spit...and there it is. The disgusting greeny phlegm that becomes a swamp in the clean dark asphalt. And people would look, roll their eyes or hold back vomit. And I stare back, a challenging stare that says, " say it to my face!"

I sweat.

I wipe away and sweat some more. And its not even hot or warm. And worse, I shiver.

I do my 40 minutes aerobics. Why am I in this class? My classmates are 15-16 years old. Why did I NOT take this class back when I was a freshy?

Its getting harder to breathe again. I just wanna scream. I deny myself to think that my asthma's back.

This is just a fever, JUST a fever.

And there's that itch again.